Thursday, June 6, 2013

Final blog

The experience I learned from having a gallery show is that a lot of work goes into it.Before I believed that it was just putting up pictures and that was it. I now know that you need the exact size, labels, artist statement, and an inventory list. I also learned that to have a gallery show one must be organized. The advice I would give to next year's class is that thinking about what they are going to put in their portfolio during the first semester is a good idea. They should also start thinking about their breadth section every time they take a picture during the first semester. This way they can insure that they are taking quality pictures that will impress the college board. I also recommend that they take more pictures than are required each week, so they have options for their final photos. I also recommend that they think of their concentration series early and of possible photos they could take. The positive aspects of class this year was getting to know more about photography. Before I had this class I didn't really know anything about photography and I didn't think  there was more to it than the click of a button. I now know that lighting, mood, movement, etc is very important. Just because a photo is clear doesn't mean it is good because there is so much more to real photography. Another positive aspect of class was using the blog because it is very fun and in my opinion better than putting them in the skydrive, because our progress is shown and it is less glitchy. Another positive aspect of class was having a great teacher that made sure we understood every assignment and made us do our best. She pushed us to do our best and taught us how to work on a schedule with specific due dates for assignments that required work. She always had a positive attitude and connected with the students. What I learned about myself this year is that I like photography and that fashion photography is something that I would defiantly consider as a career.  I will apply what I learned in the future when I become a designer. Maybe I will even be able to take the photos of my fashion lines my self. I can also use what I learned in not just photography, but in any other art medium. Staying late after school after everyone had gone to finish on schedule has taught me to work hard and that in the end it will be worth it; this will really be helpful in the future. Overall the whole class was a great experience and I really learned a lot. I recommend for those who like photography to get the class even if they think they already know how to take a great photo, because they will probably learn more and get even better. Even for those who don't really know about photography because the class is fun and they will get to learn new things like me.

Friday, April 5, 2013

week 6





These are the photos that I have chosen for my final concentration series. I tried to chose a variety of votes that give you a different feeling. I wanted gender diversity, so I added so male models as well. I chose photos that show people of various shapes and sizes; showing that we can all be stylish. Some of the styles I have deciced to show in my photos are casual, faux country, chic, flirty, and edgy. I decided to add photos that are about fashionable makeup, because it can also make a statement.

Friday, March 22, 2013

week 5

This week I experimented with fashionable makeup. Instead of focusing on just clothes I decided to focus on other cool and edgy things such as makeup. Makeup can also make a statement and be very high fashion. I tried to give the audience the feeling that the model is like a bird, fierce, but also delicate. With the other pictures I tried to show a more edgy nature look. This week I focused more on an ethereal look, with a little spunk. I also took a picture of the  actual makeup and decided to post it to show a little bit of the process that the models had to go through. I edited the contrast of the photos in Photoshop to make them bolder and give them a bit of an edge. I would like to thank Stormi Rhodes for her the beautiful makeovers she gave the models.

Friday, March 15, 2013

week 4

This week my photos are about teen fashion. I chose to have men in the shot, to mix it up and have some gender diversity. Teenagers are confusing and mysterious, so I set the photos in black and white. I fixed the photoshop to grayscale and played with the contrast and brightness of the photos. The photo is at the top, because I thought the model imbodied an artist, so I wanted to show the colors of her outfit. The outfit in the first photo has a very teenage feel to it, but pensive like most kids at that age. I wanted to show how we might not notice how stylish teenagers are and how something can be stylish and nice without being really high fashion. Sometimes the simple things can make a statement. I chose to change the pictures to black and white to give them a edgy feeling. Next week I plan on setting up a photoshoot with children, because they to can be stylish.

Friday, March 8, 2013

week 3

This week I took pictures of my model in an enviroment that is the opposite of her outfit. The seting is a messy, junky, and sort of manly place, whereas her outfit is stylish and feminine. I played in photoshop with the contrast, the levels, and the color of the photos. I did this to make the photos more dramatic and interesting.  I lowered the saturation in some of the photos to give them a edgy and mysterious look. In these pictures I tried to take pictures of the model at angles which make her look powerful and strong. The eviroment she is in symbolizes how women can prevail in any circumstance and look beutiful while on the journey.

Friday, March 1, 2013

week 2

This week I changed the setting of my photoshoot and moved it to the outdoors. In these pictures the model is trying to sell one her outdoor like outfit. For example I tried to show emphasis on her boots which is one of the important peice of the outfit. Since her boots are the brand Bearpaw I was inspired to give the photos a very natural northwest look. I went out to the hiking trails by the school to get some of these pictures. This week I also played with photoshop and adjusted the contrast and brightness of the phographs to give them a more edgy look. As the weeks go on I plan on taking phictures of various styles of fashion.This week it was faux country and it was very fun, but very muddy.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Week One

I took these photos to show and in a way sell the scarf, makeup, and jewlery. In these photos I was trying to play with the lighting to put emphasis on the model and the scarf. I tried to chose and use different lighting that would change the color of the scarf. The style I want to show here is a middle east look. I started with something simple like a scarf, but soon I will start taking more chalenging photos at different angles and with whole outfits.